
I wonder....

I wonder if people know how often they cut someone off when they're talking.
I wonder how many people know when they're blowing someone off.
I wonder how many people know that they're hurting others.
I wonder if they do it on purpose.
I wonder if they care.


I have a voice, I'm just losing it.

Ha. From a physical sense to an emotional one.

I do have a voice. My throat is dying, so I'm losing it.

However, emotionally, I feel like I have a voice, but no one hears it. Why do I feel so ignored? I know that people are paying attention to me, but I feel so ignored!
I'm being absolutely ridiculous this week, but I'm trying to let all of these emotions out before I regain my senses.

I don't want to become an angry person.

tv. and other stuff.

TV is incredibly mind numbing. It's actually somewhat nice. Brav bravo to it.

I'm just free-associating at this point. Be warned, my friends.

Shoot....I forgot what I was going to say. Oh! That was it.

I'm really hoping to be able to make it to YG tomorrow night. I've been trying to contact some people to ask them to write letters of recommendation for me, but so far I've only been able to leave messages. It's making me nervous, because Mom said I wouldn't be able to go if I didn't get a hold of these dear people. I would really, desperately, like to go to YG. However, if I am unable to, I will see many of the same friends at the ELD.
I really wanna go to YG. Pardon my whining, please.

So...I should go to bed moderately early tonight so I can be alert tomorrow.

Huhm....okie dokie.

By the way, all of you are A and B the C of D. Remember that. Much love. Much, much, much love.


Well, I'm finding that my Mom is the absolute glue of my family. If it wasn't for her, we would have fallen apart long ago. She and I were talking yesterday, and I probably would have given up on a lot of things if it wasn't for her. I'm on her team, and if only for her and the kids, I'll make sure that we hang on.

Life is rough. God is good. Period.



#1) IM is fun and actually somewhat easier than email.
#2) Singing to Todd Agnew in the car is fun. (If you've never heard any of his music, I highly encourage you to find some. He's amazing.)
#3) We As Human's "Fly" still is one of my favorite songs
#4) Willet's "Wineskin" is another one of my favorite songs.
#5) Fighting orcs with a friend is a great way to end the day.

That's pretty much it. Thanks for making my night, Angie. I love you. *gives massive hug*


rough day

It's been a weird day. I've felt like crying several times, and only for a good reason a few of those. It's been dumb. Wow....if we're supposed to leave at 8, we should really get to bed......
Oh, well.

I need some hugs, and for people to not yell at me.


And yet, God is so cool.



I go to an amazing youth group. I love our kids, and most of my friends come to the same group. I recently got inducted to the TOHTTLES, so I'm a leader of the group. (Not the leader, a leader.) I've been playing my guitar to help lead worship for the last....month? That's been fun, especially since I don't know a few crucial cords. Such as F and B.
Oh, well.

It's been difficult for me at YG recently. Quite frankly, none of my closest friends have been noticing that I need a hug unless I go up to them and ask for one. The only person who has just been coming up to me and giving me hugs has been Jon. Between he and my family and the occasional hugs that the others give me, I'm managing to stay sane. I've been feeling like I'm caving in on myself, but I'll pull it together. I'll be fine.

Psalm 121.1/2
1I look the mountains, where does my help come from?2My help comes from the Lord, the maker of the heavens and the earth!

I need to take that to heart.
Yeah. I'll be fine.


Slightly frantic chaos?

For those of you who didn't know, Wednesday evenings are normally slight chaos in my house. My family usually eats a late dinner, sometime between 7 and 9, or later if I'm supposed to be making it and I forget or am multitasking. Well, on Wednesdays, dinner has to be ready between 5 and 5.40. The reason for this is that the kids (my brother and sister) have Bible club that they go to at 6.25. They leave at 6. Anyone see the issue?

Today, another few wrenches got thrown into the works, just to gum it up a bit. My Mom had to go to the dentist at 2, and she and I had chiropractor appointments at 4. It turns out that my poor Mom has an infection under the crown of one of her teeth. This is not helping my family out much, because the thing really hurts her. Mom has a high pain tolerance, but this has been really rough on her. It's been hurting through any and all of the medicine that she's been taking for it. So, if you all would pray for her, we would greatly appreciate it.

All right, so while my Mom was at the dentist, I was at home with the kids. It was actually a fairly pleasant babysitting day in comparison with most of the others. I appreciated it and had a good time with my siblings.

My Mom and I ran over to the chiropractor, and got back around...hmm...4.40? Something like that, maybe a little later. It might've been closer to 5. I decided that I could wait to start dinner, because I was making mac&cheese and hot dogs. How hard can that be, right? Well, I started the food at 5.25, five minutes later than I meant to. (Oops! ^_^#) The water took much longer than normal to boil, and the food was ready at 6. *insert a frantic Lilly running through the house trying to serve food and get socks and shoes on the kids. (Aaaaaaaagh!!!)*

Eventually, they were out the door, about five minutes before they were supposed to be there.
You can only do so much, right?

I ate around 6.40, and then came downstairs to clean my room at 7. I have to have a clear floor because I have a friend that's going to be spending the weekend with me. My room is still a sty, but it'll be done in time. Time being....tomorrow.
I really should have thought this through more.....

The things that have been making this day worthwhile:
-The kids were really good
-I got to play my guitar for about two minutes
-I got to talk to one of my best friends on the phone for about 10-15 minutes
-I get to go upstairs and watch tv with my Mom in ten minutes
-God was/is/always will be good. Hallelujah, amen.



Good morning, good night?

Well, I suppose I've finally joined the ranks of those that I know with blogs at this host. *smiles* I suppose that's not a bad thing. The only bad thing is that I'm supposed to be sleeping at this point.

Uhmm...to explain the name. Selah means to stop and consider. I'm not going to promise that everything I put here is going to be worth the title of the site, but I hope that some of them will be.

Thank you, and I hope to write again soon.