
The promised creepy story!

Here it is!

She stares up at the natural wall of timber rising above, thrilled and made eager by their beauty. An edge of apprehension and wild rumination tickle the back of her neck and make her only more excited to enter this silently forbidden forest. The tall trees rise majestically out of the mist around her. She looks around in awe at the timberland’s stately beauty. She twirls with a laugh, amazed by the silence of the woods and the slight spookiness of its splendor. The young woman smiles and looked around again, wondering why on earth nobody ever comes here. Again, she feels a slight prickle along the back of her neck.

A small shadow stretches out underneath one of the trees, reaching toward her. She does not notice it at first, until she falls flat down on her face as it spirals around her ankle. The scrape along her cheek does not even match her bewilderment. Shadows and tendrils are reaching toward her from all sides. She stumbles upright, confusion translating into piercing fear as the darkness lengthens at her, seeming to open hungrily around her. Small cracks of darkness open at her feet, and she bolts away in horror as her fears spring to ghastly life all around her.

The young woman’s terrified running brings her sharply to the edge of a cliff. She scrapes to a stop, looking down into the yawning chasm with wide and sickly morbid eyes. A warm whisper of a breeze brushes her cheek, causing her to look around quickly. She steps back from the edge, and as exhaustion creeps into her muscles she stumbles away from the cliff edge and back into the frightening forest.

She can hear water running nearby. Thirst stabs surprisingly through her mouth and throat, and she pursues the sound avidly. Though she fears she cannot escape the horrors and shocks of this strange wildwood, she responds to the need of the moment. She finds a river curving tempestuously around an ancient oak tree. She drops to her knees at the water’s edge and drinks her fill of the cold liquid before straightening again and looking up. The branches of the venerable tree are winding and spreading in almost unbelievable ways. Admiration of the eerie beauty can only last until exhaustion strikes.

Her body sinks wearily down against the gnarled bark. The numbing chill in the air reaches deep into her tired bones. She seems to think she recognizes a vaguely familiar scent, but she dismisses her own intuition. Her journey through these woods has allowed the abstract and imaginary to run rampant already. She closes her eyes, and her toes slip into the frigid water. She can feel the chill of the almost glacially cold liquid spreading up her legs and through her body.

Suddenly, she can sense the warm feel of arms wrapping around her. Tired tears form under her lashes as the tender love of the closest one she has ever cared for envelops her. A smile drifts across her features. Somehow, even after the dizzyingly long adventure with its fears and contortions, she feels content and safe



So far, it comes from this.

My brother is playing outside in the snow, and all of a sudden my sister gets up and goes to the back door. She leans out and yells, "Leave Bart and his yarmalka alone!"

A few days before, she had made a snowman, named him Bart, and given him a yarmalka. He was leaning pretty heavily to one side.... A few days later, his head and yarmalka fell off.


Finals week=super busy

That is all.


Dear Angie,

This is mostly to you, I guess. I hope you're having a spectacular week, and that your semester ends soon. I would like to try and get together with you, if possible!

First, I want to apologize for missing your call the other day. I was at a Christmas party. I hope you had a wonderful time at the art museum! I seem to have developed forget-your-phone-itis over the last few days. It's rather irksome.

Also, congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Matt! Please accept my best and most hopeful wishes and forward them to him as well. I can't believe that you've already come to this point in your life.... It seems like not so long ago that we were pretending to be ponies in your backyard... and now you're an engaged young lady! When did that happen?! Well, other than the obvious being about a week and a half ago..... The time really flies, right?

And finally, I've managed to do it again..... >.<# I was playing with a girl at church yesterday and I rechambered a kick right into a metal chair leg. Translation of that being: I slammed my heel into one of those metal chair legs in the sanctuary. It's not broken, just bruised up pretty spectacularly. I'm sorry!!!!

Anyway, I hope that finals (projects, tests, and otherwise) go well for you, and that you have a spectacular Christmas. I love you, darling!

With all the best,

Note to anyone: Have you noticed that after the first ten minutes or so of icing (like with an ice-pack, not sugary-paste) it gets to be almost unbearable?


In response to a recent Zales commercial

Dear potential/possible future boyfriend/fiance,

If you ever knock on a window on my house, the likelihood of me being instantly smiley and happy to see you is virtually nonexistent. Please remember, I have grown up in a less than stellar neighborhood, and if you knock on my window, I'll probably dive for a baseball bat or something similarly effective for self-defense. It's probably a good idea to call me to warn me that you're coming over, or if you want to surprise me, just knock on my door. I just thought it would be good to warn you of this.

Future love,


One of my classes is done now, hooray!
Another one will be done tomorrow.
Very exciting!
The end of the semester is in sight!


YAY, ANGIE!!!!! Congratulations, you lovely darling!



I am trying to figure out what the best thing for this blog will be. It's a bit interesting at the moment, because I know that when I figure out things that are fairly deep or profound I want to post them here, but those things can be few and far between. Other than that, I have been trying different things when I think of them, but I'm not sure what you guys have thought of what I've tried. As soon as the semester ends, I'm going to post an essay that I wrote for class, but I don't want to take a chance on anyone thinking that I plagiarized in any way. So... a few more weeks until a lovely and creepy little story. ^_^ Yay? I think that if I think of any little stories to write, I'll put them up here, what's the thought on that?

Really, I'm trying to get a feel for what you guys think. Please comment and tell me.
Thank you very much.


Yummy treats

So... my week has been a little rough so far. I've been very busy, and that's not really going to change over the next few weeks.

In light of this, I'm posting a few little treats that have brightened my week a bit. Mike, if you ever read this, I know that they're not good for me (for the most part), but I have been enjoying them. ;)

First is something I would not and will not get very often. It is a McCafe hot chocolate. It was surprisingly good! Very rich and yummy, a definite pick-me-up for a drizzly day.Next is something that really makes me smile. They are called kancho snacks, and are kind of like little chocolate filled cookies. I found them at a Korean market near my house. They are cheap, fun, tasty, and very cute.

When I have these, I typically
share them with any friends that I have around.
I also share them with my family. However, I like to make sure that I have quite a few left for myself, because I love them so very much. ^_^# This is one of the few things that I do not share freely....

The next treat is something that I think I invented! Someone somewhere has probably thought of it and made it before, but I just discovered it and it was VERY good.
You all know that I love green tea, right? Well, I do. I really do. However, I am a wimp and do not like it very strong most days. The other day I was making myself a lovely mug of green tea, but I let it steep for longer than I really enjoy. So... to save the cup of deliciousness, I added a little bit of my Mom's hazelnut creamer. Imagine my surprise when it was absolutely delicious! The cream sweetened the tea and added a rich... well, creaminess to it. Also, the sweetness allows me to steep the tea for longer and get more of its healthy goodness. I am definitely hooked on this as a delicious winter drink. (Sorry for the moderately crappy picture quality, I took it with my webcam.)