

Heyo again, all.

Thank you for praying for Oreo and myself, I have not seen any sign of other seizures. He's still not feeling too great, but he's doing better.

I'm in a fairly strange mood today, probably because I couldn't get to sleep before 5am.

Anyway, quizzing is a wonderful wonderful thing. Our family has been part of a Bible club called AWANA for.....years. I'm tired, so I'm not going to try and think that far back. 12, maybe? Dunno, I was the first kid from our family to be in it, though, and I was still fairly little. Well, once you reach the older levels of the club, different churches come together for a contest called Bible Quizzing. I loved quizzing, and participated in it every year that I was able to. So that would have been four years. You memorize verses and definitions from the sections you've learned in the book you're working in, and then have a competition to see who can remember the most the best.
Something like that.
Bible quizzing is one of the very few things that I ever got truly competitive about, and I was good at it, too. *sigh* I miss it sometimes.
Anyway, this is Rebekah's 4th year of quizzing, and she's hard at work training for it! The quiz is next saturday, and I'm excited for her for it! I just offered to help her practice a few hours ago, and she seemed excited about it. So...we're excited for quizzing!!!!!


Amused and stressed.

I'm fairly amused by the fact that Livie is the only other person that really posts much anymore other than myself. I'm also amused by a game that we play on my YG's forum. It's called TPBM.
I find it amusing that in the beginnings of the game the lines were aimed more to find something out about the person that would answer, such as:
TPBM likes the band Casting Crowns.
Now, however, the lines are more written to portray what the writer is thinking or feeling at that particular moment in time, such as:
TPBM really really really wishes it was Wednesday.
I just find those things amusing.

In other news, a friend of mine is going to be living with us for an indefinite amount of time. That is on the verge of being exciting and stressful. I hope that we have a good time together and are able to accomplish all that needs accomplishing.

And in the most stressful news I have right now, I'm almost positive that my dog had a seizure earlier today. Corwyn used to have seizures, so I know what they look like. Now, these seizures are nowhere near as severe as the ones Tonka (A.M.'s dog) has been having, so I'm not seriously freaked out. The kids had mentioned that he had been shivering randomly the last few days, and he hasn't been looking/feeling too great, so I thought he might just be sick or something, but I saw it today. I've grown familiar with canine seizures, and that's what it looked like. I was going to put it out on the forum to ask my YG to pray for him, but then I realized that none of them would really understand. He's my dog. Only two people I know really have a strong connection with their dogs, and one of them doesn't get on the forum anymore. So...my baby is not doing great. My poor Oreo. He's my dog. I love him, and the seizures, while not severe, scare me a little. I don't like to see him having them because he looks...scared? No, that's not quite it. He looks a little confused, like he doesn't understand what's happening. I don't like to see that happening to him. So I just stay by him, and comfort him, and pray that he doesn't have any more.


YG 1/22/09

Last night was a...sort of mixed night at youth group. I'm going to focus in on one particular thing and comment on some of the others.

It was an interesting night to try and lead worship. It's hard to figure out what to do when people are behaving in entirely different ways. I mean, if people are really happy and bouncy, and you sing a really slow and mournful sounding song, it throws people off. If people are feeling morose and you play a song like "Awesome God", it throws people off. It's kind of an interesting balance to walk, trying to urge people in the way God is leading and not throw them completely off track with a weird song choice.

Anyway, about half of the YG was either looking or feeling morose/out of it/depressed/or otherwise distraught/distracted, and the other half was feeling a wonderful sense of worship and joy. I mean, come on! Walking that line is hard enough, and then we get this and I was almost thrown off and into a sort of panic. It was weeeeeird.....

So this is all leading up to the one thing that I mentioned. As we were worshipping, one of the young men cried out to God that he was absolutely broken and had nothing left. He begged that God would take him broken and as nothing. Then God revealed His love for every person there to another of our young men. He was filled with this sense of God's love and it filled him with a joy that I hadn't seen from him before. I can't explain to you what he felt, because it was his experience with God.

That was truly awesome to me, because the young man who was feeling God's love is a very dear friend of mine, and I've been praying for him to be touched by this for a long time.




The Tale of the Dragon's Defeat

Anyone who read the previous post might remember that I mentioned something about the Dragon's Defeat. Well, I thought I might as well just post the lyric to the song. So...here you are!

A letter with no address
Burning a hole with words
Writ’ in frantic distress
Storming my way through night
Gaze set on the light
Worry gripping my chest
Oh, God, no not my love!
She’s no match for his tricks
The games he plays
Stay with me as I ride

Your words may have swayed her before
But I’ll fight to help her ignore
Every word that you say
That masks your intent to betray

In this letter I hold from true beauty untold
Sealed and coated with fear
Love, he’s here for my soul, come You’re my only Hope
I will save you, my dear
Oh, Father, my task I may dread
But as ransom, take me instead

Take heart now, my Son
Fear not for the dragon will not overcome

Your words may have swayed her before
But I’ll fight to help her ignore
Every word that you say
That masks your intent to betray

Your words may have swayed her before
But I’ll fight to help her ignore
Every word that you say
That masks your intent to betray

Your words may have swayed her before
But I died so she could have more
The Life that she now finds in Me
Is the tale of the dragon’s defeat

Tale of the Dragon's Defeat, Wavorly(Conquering the Fear of Flight)

*head explodes*

Aahhhh!!! Too much creativity all at once!!!!!! God keeps popping these things into my head and they won't leave me alone.....
Actually, it's not that bad, it just means that I'm a little distracted most of the time.
Not that that's particularly unusual, or even really noticed. The main thing that gets noticed is when I'm working on choreographing something, and one of my parents walks into the room....
(. .)
That has been embarrassing....

Now, I have about three things popping around that won't leave me alone, and then several others that have just flit in and out.

#1) The Everything Skit.
This one is already under way. If I had a chance to start doing it again, I would have started working on it earlier, and had more choreography done before going into it. I got an opportunity to talk to a friend about it, and he gave some wonderful insight into the whole thing. I was incredibly thankful for him and the light that God shed through him onto TES. Now I can't wait to see what my wonderful Heavenly Father is going to do through this offering that we bring to Him.

#2) Photography.
Weird, eh? I have images in my head that I want to capture. I was listening to Fireflight the other day while I was washing my hair, and these songs came on and all of these pictures starting coming into my head. Now, this happens fairly often, but these were different. Normally, the pictures in my head are animated and not particularly executable, but these were people that I know in ways that we could do. I'm truly excited to try and do stuff with these ideas.

#3) The Suite of the Dragon's Defeat
This one smacked me in the face while I was doing the dishes yesterday. I don't know if any of you listen to the band Wavorly, but I know that I played a piece or two of their music at the girl's part of my birthday. Well, one of the pieces that I played became addictive to me as soon as I heard it. Little did I know then that God was piecing things together in my head. As I was washing the dishes, God started showing me the dance in bits and pieces. The main song is The Tale of the Dragon's Defeat, in which Jesus recieves a letter from His love, the Bride of Christ. She is being beguiled by the Dragon, who is the Devil. The rest of the song is, well, the tale of the Dragon's defeat. Well.....now there's a dance to it, and I know the two who are supposed to do it with me, and we might incorporate another. First, though, I have to finish TES and the school I'm finishing up.

So...I'm really distracted. It makes working on my school difficult, which is something I can't afford right now. I know that God is working through it, though. I just have to trust Him.


Misery Loves Company

I’ve done so much wrong
It outweighs the good.
I’ve found the hardest things to do are the ones I should.
But you gave me all the grace
I needed to get out.
And I will not forget it, Lord
I will walk it out.

The Demon on my shoulder says,
"You will pay for this.
Did you think you could escape all the consequences?"
But, no, it's not in me
It’s in Your grace that I’m set free.

I feel sick
It’s something I can’t shake.
And night after night it’s keeping me awake.
Am I sorry that I hurt You
Or that judgment finally came?
I will not pass it off on You
'Cuz I’m the one to blame.

The Demon on my shoulder says,
"You will pay for this.
Did you think you could escape all the consequences?"
But it is not in me
It’s in Your grace that I’m set free.

I know there’s someway you can turn this around.
Don’t give up on me yet
I’m not yet in the ground!
You've given me one more chance, a million times before.
But I still hear another one
Knocking at my door!

The Demon on my shoulder says,
"You will pay for this.
Did you think you could escape all the consequences?"
But it is not in me
It’s in Your grace that I’m set free.

The Demon on my shoulder says,
"You will pay for this.
Did you think you could escape all the consequences?"
But it is not in me
It’s in Your grace that I’m set free!

Misery Loves Company, The Wedding(Polarity)

Yes, I think that now we all realize that I am obsessed with music. I've been thinking in music and song clips for the last day and a half now.

Anyway, this song pretty much explains itself. I'm going to have to figure out how to create the pictures that are in my head from it. Beware, my dear photography subjects! I have lots of ideas now to work out!!!



Life update spill!

My life has been fairly busy this last week, but it has been mostly fun.

Last Saturday was Women's Vocal Arts Day (WVAD) over at UofM. I went with a few girls that I know, and one in particular that is a friend. We learned some pretty cool pieces of music, most of which still pop into my head at the randomest of times.

Sunday was church, which we were (once again) late for. The sermon was lovely, though. We have a messianic Jew giving the sermons last week and this week, and they are truly interesting for the first time in a while. After the service, Sunday School started back up. I'm not helping to lead a class this time around, which is actually kind of nice. I'm in the class that's reading the Screwtape Letters. If you have not read that book, I highly suggest it. Then, we went out to WL for Brie's b-day party. All in all, a very nice day.

Monday we went sledding with part of the YG over at RH. Personally, I don't really enjoy sledding, but it was a nice time anyway. I got out my snowboard for the second time and worked at it for a little while. Had to sit it down several times, one of which was fairly spectacular.

Tuesday we went out and visited Grandpa, as per usual. It was a nice time, actually. We went to McED's (as normal), let the kids play (as normal), and then we all played a few rounds of go fish.

Wednesday was...interesting. It was, shall we say, not the high point of my week. We went to the chiropractor (not bad, really.) I had 4 x-rays taken of my spine, since it was my first time there since I turned 18. Then we went to the dentist. I, as mentioned before, really don't like the dentist. I had 7 x-rays taken of my mouth, and as it turns out, I have a cavity between two teeth on the lower right side of my mouth. I'm going in on Monday to have it filled. (woohoo....?) Having never had a cavity before, I'm slightly anxious as to what is going to happen.

I started off Thursday working on an essay about Dr Benjamin Franklin's 13 points of living. It ended up being a rather free-form little paper, and was somewhat refreshing. Then I went to YG, had a meeting for The Everything Skit (TES), and then went and spent the night at a friend's house. The ride there was fairly amusing. I'd only ridden in the B. Bus once before, and I was dehydrated to the point that I'd nearly passed out and was barely aware when I was riding back. That was fun, though. Got to talk to Isaac about some driving test stuff and other stuff.

*laughs* The end of Thursday and the beginning of Friday blur together a bit, so I'll give it its own little blurb.

I spent the night at the M.'s house, and it was a truly hilarious night. We watched TFotR, and ended up in many tickle and pillow fights. My sides and feet are absolutely traumatized right now. Anyway, Alysha and Beth and I stayed up until about 4, and then crashed. We watched TTT Friday, and started TRotK before we started getting ready to go.

Friday night was the English Line Dance(ELD)! Everyone that came had a lovely time, it seemed. My most vivid memory of the night was the Dublin whatsiwhoozit that nobody could get entirely right, and then getting to waltz with Mike. I absolutely adore the waltz. I don't get to dance it very often at all, and getting to dance it with Mike made it especially fun, because he's a good friend and because he's really good at it. It was lovely. Then Rebekah and I went out to Big Boy's with the H.'s, and then we came home. I posted a whole bunch of songs on the forum, talked with some people via the forum and email, and then went to bed.

Now, my dear ones, I have to go write a biographical essay about Marquis de Lafayette. Love you all! kthxbye!



If you feel so empty
So used up
So let down
If you feel so angry
So ripped off
So stepped on
You're not the only one
Refusing to back down
You're not the only one
So get up

Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot
Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot

If you feel so filthy
So dirty
So screwed up
If you feel so walked on
So painful
So pissed off
You're not the only one
Refusing to go down
You're not the only one
So get up

Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot
Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot

If you feel so empty
So used up
So let down
If you feel so angry
Just get up

[spoken] Let's start a riot
Let's start a riot.

Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot
Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot
Let's start a riot
A riot
Let's start a riot

Riot, Three Days Grace

This song has been running through my head the last several days. To me, it says don't just let it get you down and that you're not the only one who feels the way you feel. It says fight back. Fight against it.

Let me make it perfectly clear that I do not want to start an honest to goodness riot. I do not even condone the idea of a riot. I simply want you to fight back against what's getting you down.


The Everything Skit

So the most recent project I've come up with is the Everything Skit. Most of you who read this have either:
a) heard of the skit
b) seen the skit in either video or live form
c) will see be in it soon
d) will see it soon
or e) will see a video of it eventually (maybe the one that i take when we do it!)

What has happened to me is that I saw it in a godtube link, and then heard about it later, and then saw it again in another link. God seems to speak to me in threes. What finally tore it was when Aunt Lois was telling me about it this summer. I spent a good chunk of the rest of the vacation planning it out with Rachel and Beth.

Now, I am finally pulling together the planning details. Tonight I've been working on contacting my cast (most of you know who you are!) to line up a date to actually do the skit. I'm truly hoping to do it on the 22nd of February. It's the closest Sunday to a date that is...well...very important to me. A few of you know why, but we aren't going to get into it here. If you guys manage to see this before I get a hold of you otherwise, please contact me.

I spent the rest of the evening watching different renditions of the skit itself. I watched the one that I first saw that got me hooked, and then I started exploring. Eventually what I found was a version of the skit that was put on in an LA night club. It was more real to me, and I really love it. There's one part of it that I won't show to my dear ones because it gets fairly graphic, but that's where our originality is going to (hopefully!) come into play. I'm positive that it will work out wonderfully, because I know that God wants us to do this.

I've been thinking about how to blend my two favorite versions of the skit into one cohesive, poignant, and somehow original piece. Actually, I don't really care if it's original, all that matters to me is that it touches people's lives. Anyway, I'm trying to blend the more conceptual version with the more real one. Could be fun, eh?

My hope is that I can work with my three dear ones that have to do the most actual work this Thursday.
[Wow...that sounded kind of bad. Let me try again.]
My hope is that I can work with my three dear ones that have to do the most dancing this Thursday. [And to continue with my train of thought!] That way we can work out some of the kinks and then integrate the rest of the cast. God, the girl, and romance have their work cut out for them....poor dancers. And (ha!) the rendition I found that I like has even more dance in it!!!!
HAhahahahha!!! I find it incredibly amusing that I have absolutely no talent as a dancer, and yet I'm going to choreograph this thing! Heeheeheeheeheeeee!!!!! [*looking back at this* Wow...maybe I should go to bed.....] Actually, I really enjoy choreography. It's really fun to work with dancers. I just hope that mine let's me use a few of my ideas!

On another note: I have to go to the dentist tomorrow!!!!
(this one is backwards, but he's really upset)
I don't like the dentist......*sigh*.......Oh, well. I deal with it. There's nothing new that they really tell me at all. Just to brush and floss more often. *bashful smile* Yeah. I don't like the dentist.....

On an even other note: If you could all pray for me, it would be lovely. I've been having trouble sleeping again. And Angie, the sleep in a bottle works!!! I used it last night and it helped! If you all could pray that I figure out what helps me sleep, I would truly appreciate it.

Anyhoo....that's all I've got. My bed is beginning to call...earlier than usual!!!!
Much love, my dear ones. May God bless you and go with you in every step of your days. In fact, I know that He goes with you. Hallelujah, amen.


Happy birthday, Mrs H! I hope you're having a great time!




Well, I suppose I'd better update those of you who read this thing. Sorry I haven't gotten on in the last few days, I've been just a wee touch preoccupied.

#1) I had a sleepover Friday night with my girlfriends and only got 4 hrs of sleep (5am-9am)
#2) One of the girls (my little sister without blood relations) at my sleepover got sick and had to go home around 10pm.
#3) Had an absolutely amazing day of pretending on Saturday (like LARPing, but without the fancy name). Ran from 10am-10pm all told.
#4) Got a call at about 9.45pm that the girl who had gotten sick on Friday night was going into the ER, and could we take her two sisters (uh...of course!!!)
#5) Couldn't sleep...was too worried.
#6) Became the "Spider Queen"(receiving and sending out information) for the family of the girl in the ER.
#7) Found out that she had appendicitis and was going to have to have her appendix removed.
#8) Had church(10am-11am...yeah, we were late and we left early)/went bowling(11.30-2)/prayed for the my little non-blood sis as she went into surgery/had a family birthday party(2-i can't remember when...sometime around 5? 6?)
#9) Took little non-blood sis's sisters to their family at the hospital and visited for about half an hour-40 minutes.
#10) Couldn't sleep again, was still too worried
#11) Went in to visit at the hospital at about 10am (oh, it's Monday now)
#12) Came home at about 3? (still monday)
#13) Crashed downstairs doing pretty much nothing for a few hours
#14) Went out to dinner with my family (it was my actual birthday)
#15) Came home, watched tv, turned 18, and went to bed. (I actually slept!!!)
#16) Got up at 2.54pm.

Yep....that's been my weekend. It was fun in a lot of ways, but crazy in a million others....and.......I'm 18 now. Weeeeeiird.......^_^###