
Knee Update

For those of you dear ones who I have not updated recently...>.<## (Sorry, Angie!) ...My knee is recovering. I had dislocated the kneecap, and they put it back and I have been going to Physical Therapy. I feel like it's mostly recovered, but I can't kneel or squat all the way. Kneeling hurts really badly, and once I get down past 90degrees squatting does too. Needless to say, this makes helping the 8 year old a little more difficult!!!

However, that whole mess means that I did/do not need surgery! Thank God!!!!!


Time lapse/stream of consciousness.

Well, it's been a while, but I don't really have too much to write about. I'm trying to find a job, I started two online college classes, and I'm working on strengthening my knee. I just realized while sitting here that the ELD is on Friday, so I'm hoping to maybe be able to dance one dance? I don't know, but we're going! Hope to see some friends. Maybe I'll just dance a waltz....that'd be lovely. Uhh...SS was nice today. I read out 2 Peter 1.1-11. It was nice. I'm reading a book right now called "Streams in this Desert" or something like that. I really appreciate it. I missed some friends during Church, but had a great time singing with the worship team. We had a nice time for Mother's Day. Made Mom steak, baked potatoes, and asparagus. It was pretty good, I think, but you'd have to ask her. We talked about Big Ticket for a little while, and decided that the Mom's of kids who are going need to have a war council to figure out travel plans. Anyway, I've gotta go do dishes and head to bed.
Good night, dear ones.