
Pain medications?

Wow... so it's been almost a year since I posted last. I'm sorry? I could give excuses, but that's not really worth the time or energy and I don't think anyone really wants to read that.

So a week ago today I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. For 3 weeks leading up to that, I had a constant migraine. My theory for this is that the roots of the wisdom teeth, combined with the pressure, and the fact that they were trying to move they were pressing on the nearest cranial nerves (probably the trigeminal nerve and/or the auditory nerve) and causing the migraines. This, however, meant that I was constantly taking some sort of pain medication-- the most common of these being percocet. -_-# This on its own is no fun.
Then came the wisdom teeth removal-- and then vicodin. Now I am trying to wean myself off of the vicodin.

This sucks.

I am coming out of four weeks of narcotic use, and trying to stop that use, even somewhat gently, is no fun.

Headache, dizziness, sweaty... and to be honest? Temperamental.

Sorry for whining.

I'm looking for prayer, but also maybe for advice? I don't know if anyone who reads this has experience with this sort of thing, but tips for easing the symptoms of mild narcotic withdrawal is something I'd sure love to hear.

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